Synchronicity — Timing really is everything! I learned how time is an illusion for the human condition and can be manipulated with a deeper understanding of who we really are — a soul (beyond time) in a human body. Watch the movie “The Arrival” for it’s concept on time.
Magnetic Energy — I became a magnet for everything I felt and thought about. (This can go badly by the way, as you may have noticed — watch your thoughts and how you feel about them!)
Opportunity — I believe now that the opportunities were always there, I just didn’t see them because my filter was dirty. Survival mode lifted.
Abundance — Whatever I needed came my way, and as I kept going with this path, things came my way BEFORE I needed them. (Also synchronicity!)
Answers — The funny thing about questions and soul work — the answers always come.
Gratitude — Feeling grateful puts us in the same vibrational frequency as abundance and helps us attract our desires. Apply liberally.
If you want to begin to change your ideas around money, and possible poverty consciousness, consider shifting the thought that money needs to come directly from your output, or a single source. This is maybe one of the biggest lies of our culture. Yes, we get to contribute, but we are only limited in income when we are limited by our beliefs about how income comes to us.
When we follow our intuitive desires, money comes, and not necessarily from what you are doing or where we expect.
Contemplate the thousands of ways money can come into your sphere. If you feel blocked here, then consider how money comes into other people’s spheres. Noticing our limitations allows us to free ourselves from them.
Put “The Richest Man in Babylon,” book on your priority list for some great specifics on the green stuff.
Most importantly, ask yourself a question every single morning, “What would I want to do with my day today if I had complete freedom to do it?” Just ask. In time when you get beyond the thoughts of reorganizing, running away, sleeping in, and the fantasy of your favorite Hollywood star, little answers begin to bubble up. Memories of lost dreams, or new ones you wouldn’t dare let yourself consider for any real amount of time, peak out again. They bubble up because you have given them permission to do so. This little moment in your journey is when you start becoming the boss of your own life. You are dreaming again.
If you mine those bubbles and breath some life into them, like taking them for a walk, writing them down, or pulling them into your meditation, they will gain a magnetic energy and inner pull, and lead you to small steps you can take, almost like a test, “Are you listening?” The steps get bigger with your growing trust, courage and action.
You could receive a phone call, or be suddenly inspired to reach out to an old friend, or you may meet a new one because you followed your soul to a random hike, out of desire. A song on the radio will seem as if it’s speaking directly to you in a new way. Opportunities to explore come. Take action on new desires, directions and opportunities that feel like they are speaking directly to you. They are!
All positive thoughts and affirmations will not move you forward unless you take action on the feelings and ideas they conjure up deep within.
Be like Nike.

You will be blown away how quickly the Universe (you) will lead you to a fulfilled heart, which in turn, because of your new found relationship with life, will guide you to all the abundance you will ever desire.
I’m not saying we have it all together or are rich by most people’s standards, especially here in The Silicon Valley; we’re not. And I do forget to trust sometimes; I’m human. But, what if you could most of the time feel secure, feel abundant, have everything you need, know your future is taken care of, and do what brings you joy day after day? I’m not talking about the “I like my job” joy. I’m talking about the passion that rises up your spine when you feel juicy, joy. Would that be worth investigating?
So today, here’s my answer: When we continue to follow our soul road, feeling into it, listening, taking action on intuitive desires, letting go of the things that are not adding to our happiness, and trusting the guiding life happening within us, even when scared, abundance will always come, because it is our inner and outer relationship to all things that determines our wealth in every area of life, not “what we make”. Yes, I am abundant, and grateful as hell for it.
Ask the question. It will cost you nothing. For God’s sake, just ask. :)
Penny Sisley is Life Coach, Mentor and a Mystic. She enjoys sharing hard earned, inspired wisdom, with anyone seeking a clear mind and a fresh outlook. It is her life’s joy to assist people in opening up their own power and bliss. When she’s not hanging with her Hubby and teen sons, or hosting Inspired Groups for Gals, you can find her reading a book in the backyard with her doggy, Sydney.
If you are interested in her story you can see it in the book “SOUL WARRIOR: ACCESSING REALMS BEYOND THE VEIL,” an international Amazon Best Seller.
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